Chalkboards for Radius 7

I recently enjoyed doing the chalkboards at local restaurant, Radius 7. I had previously designed their menus. I was a little unsure of myself with the materials, but enjoyed the process and how they turned out.

Vector Illustrations

I have some free time at the moment, so I’m revisiting Illustrator to develop my more graphic side. I’m finding it quite fun, and approaching it much like collage; cutting out simple shapes and putting it all together. This was inspired by ice cream aesthetics, for some reason, but I quite like the result! I’m calling her “Neopolitina”.

My Process

I thought this looked quite interesting in the work in progress stage, so I wanted to share it. This is a piece I have been collaging in Photoshop. I made a range of textures for this illustration using sgraffito. I also played with a title to see how it would work in a book cover context.