Etsy Shop

Well it’s been a while since I’ve posted here, hasn’t it? Just wanted to share a little side-project I’ve been working on, selling on Etsy. At the moment I sell witchy-themed gift boxes (bit random, I know), but I do plan to sell some prints in future. I’ve really been enjoying developing my business skills, making products with a lot of creativity and getting some really kind feedback!

So check out HopelesslyEnchanted - Etsy UK

Folktale Week on Instagram

I like a challenge, so I’m joining #folktaleweek on Instagram. Folklore and fairy tales are a big interest of mine, so I always enjoy looking at what people come up with for this. I’m looking forward to trying new things and exploring different prompts.

Graduation- Finally!

I graduated from Falmouth University back in 2020, but just had the graduation ceremony itself, which was a great experience. Plus I finally met Dawn French!

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